Colourful glazed ceramic splashbacks for the braai area

splashbacks mosaics bathroom

Let's be honest, there are very view braai areas that don't look like the inside of a steam locomotive. And since it is not used everyday, things with many legs tend to spawn from the various oil and fat layers.

I assume I made my point and let's move on so I can sell you my next idea.  Adding colour to a braai area will not cause any reduction in testosterone levels of any man, even if he likes the Modern Family Show.  I think in the New South Africa we can move on and splatter some colour in our locomotive.

There are a couple of things that we need to consider.  The most important I think is it must be easy to clean.  That is solved by using a glazed ceramic tile.  What does this mean?  The glazing on a ceramic tile means that it is impermeable to any fat, oil or gunk.  Glazing is similar to a layer of glass. Easy to clean.

The Provenza Ceramic tiles (see main image) are ideal for a colourful braai splashback since they are glazed and come in various colours.  What is more, they have a cracked effect on the surface which make them look slightly retro. Each tile is 130x130 mm, so you need about 59 tiles per square meter.

Another similar glazed tile, but without the rustic cracked glazed effect are 100x100 mm tiles.  These require 100 tiles per square meter. They come in gloss and matt finish, but the gloss is recommended since they are glazed and will not stain.  The colour is even over the whole tile whereas the Provenza range has a slight mottled look.

These are two fantastic tiles which can be used to brighten up your braai area without spending too much.  Small tiles are also very easy to install compared to very small mosaics, so it can be an ideal DIY project.  I have even seen arty tables made from the Provenza tile and it looks fantastic.

Note that these tiles are not suitable for high heat, such as inside the fireplace.  Rather use them as splashbacks next to the fireplace.
Glossy glazed ceramic tiles are easy to clean and come in various colours. Combine some colours to create rich splashback features. These tiles are 100x100mm, so you need 100 tiles per square meter.


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